PPG: Meeting Minutes 17th May 2023



  • Date: 17th May 2023
  • Time: 3:00pm via Teams
  • Attendees: Ingrid Babcock (IB), Patricia Idusogie (PI) PM Hurley, Ashok Jadeja (AJ), John Rokos (JR), Mary Weaving (MW) (acting Chair), Sheila Connellan (SC) Hurley, Sioux Thorn (ST) Hurley, Sue Hunter (SH)
    Unless otherwise stated, attendees are PPG members

Agenda Items

Welcome & Apologies: (EM)

MW welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies were received Gary Beard & Dr George Zumbadze (Hurley), Adrienne Banks and Mandy Oliver.

Approval of Minutes of the last meeting 

MW asked if everyone was happy for the March 2023 minutes to be approved. The minutes were approved, and it will be added onto the PPG page on the website.

Matters arising from the last meeting:

  • Website Group: To be carried over to next meeting

PPG Terms of Reference from previous meeting 

CQC advise information should be kept simple. Version circulated is a  simplified version to be inclusive to all.

Acknowledge there are costs incurred supporting a PPG e.g. time, resources, refreshments etc that are met by the practice. 

Attendance – intention to have a representative of Staunton staff present. Clarity on attendance form the practice: Practice manager and a clinician – both rather than either / or.

  • Ingrid suggested some of the headings regarding the activities of the 

PPG could be included. Ingrid will share with Sheila who will amend and recirculate to the working party (Ashok, Ingrid, Susan, Patricia) to comment on. Timeline by end of next week.

Practice Report

  • April call volume update – 74% answered calls. Highest achieved. 
  • Staffing -2 new staff; part time nurse from July (Monday/ Tuesday/Wednesday), and full time Receptionist to start next month
  • Online appointments for booking smears- reported success of using the platform.
  • Ophthalmology and ENT are no longer working from the premises.
  • Diagnostic Centre will soon move to Swift Q to make appointment booking easier for patients
  • Premises – sitting with the landlords/ NHS Property Services. We are waiting on further information. Watch this space.
  • Complaints: A complaint received from a patient’s advocate, but the practice has not had the patient’s consent to liaise with the advocate. Several attempts have been made to contact the patient to gain consent. This a complex situation as per data protection we need consent to speak to the advocate.
  • Childhood immunisations – liaison with commissioners and the Federation to support the practice to encourage uptake. 
  • What can the PPG do to help the practice e.g., with improving membership, awareness days etc Patricia to share practice demographics
  • NHS is 75 years as of July. Next PPG meeting 12th July in person – to combine the PPG meeting with awareness of the PPG/ celebrate the 75th anniversary. Mary and Patricia to liaise re the detail. Wednesday is a good day.
  • Telephone numbers - project to remind patients to tell us if their contact details have changed.

AGM Update

When and where etc, we would decide after the July PPG Awareness day



Next meetings

July 12th, 2023 on site on the practice Premises