PPG: Meeting Minutes 15th March 2023



  • Date: 15th March 2023
  • Time: 3:00pm via Teams
  • Attendees: Ingrid Babcock (IB) Patricia Idusogie (PI) PM Hurley Adrienne Banks (AB) Ashok Jadeja (AJ) John Rokos (JR) Mary Weaving (MW) (acting Chair) Sagal Kullane (SK) Sheila Connellan (SC) Hurley Sioux Thorn (ST) Hurley Sue Hunter (SH)
    Unless otherwise stated, attendees are PPG members

Agenda Items

Welcome & Apologies: (EM)

MW welcomed all to the meeting.  Apologies were received Gary Beard (Hurley), John Hardley and Mandy Oliver.

Esther Meyerson had resigned from the post as chair and from the PPG. MW took the opportunity to recognise Esther contributions to the PPG, MW acknowledged her service to being a PPG Chair for several years. Mary/Patricia to discuss arranging a card. SH will share sites that allow virtual signing cards.

MW has stepped up as Chair on a temporary basis.

Approval of Minutes of the last meeting (EM)

MW asked if everyone was happy for the January 2023 minutes to be approved.  The minutes wereas approved, and it will be added onto the PPG page on the website.

Matters arising from the last meeting:


  • Website Group- no further new. To be carried over. Treeview (website designers) have been informed to support the PPG with their pages on the website.
  • Patient Access on the website seems to, not be working.

PPG Terms of Reference

  • Is there a requirement for a steering group.
  • MW discovered a simple example from the Reading Practice to look at and may be use.
  • Reflected on the history of the original ToR.
  • Suggest a small group – Patricia, Ingrid and Susan
  • Action: Mary to send Patricia link to the Reading Practice version
  • Action: members to send queries concerns to Patricia
  • Action: SH has offered to look over the original document and the one proposed

Diversity of the PPG

Increasing members and diversity of the PPG

  • Patricia will be working with Christine Sherringham to increase membership
  • Suggest information of what the PPG does, and what it means.
  • PPG website page images do not reflect the SGP population – suggest it is reviewed

Practice Report

  • Nurse Practitioner has started – working 3 days a week.
  • Advertising for another Practice Nurse
  • Continue to advertise for a GP.
  • New receptionist joined 6th March.
  • Telephone Consultant appointments – 69%
  • Smear appointments are now self-booking. We have seen a few appointments missed, but it is generally working well.
  • eConsult numbers are increasing – approximately 1500 per month.
  • Over 60% of consultations are face to face
  • Community Pharmacist Scheme – NHS England driven, patients with minor aliment can be referred to the local pharmacist for a consultation.
  • Phlebotomy Services – blood tests are referred to the Wood Green community service. Wood Green are not using Swift Queue which patients are finding it difficult to book.  MW praised the service and support of Dr George, Libin, Mandy and Androulla. Tottenham Hale has told Ashok they would be happy to take bloods if a GP requested them.
  • 2 verbal complaints – One regarding an ENT patient that arrived for her appointment on time but was not checked in by our reception and as a result her appointment was cancelled. The second complaint was regarding a patient who is not compliant with their medication reviews and as a result short scripting had to put in place to ensure that patient comes in for annual review.
  • Phone pick up time starts at 8am. On that particular day, the phones were phones were down for 12 minutes across the telephone company’s systems.

Practice Plan

  • Hoping to update on the building issues at the next meeting


  • To appoint a chair and deputy chair
  • To agree a date to hold one.
  • Venue – e.g., in person


  • Focus Group meeting feedback re MSK therapy in the 5 NCL Borough roll out. Not all practice have it.
  • Catherine West (local MP) is hosting a meeting at the House of Commons with the shadow Health minister to discuss issues concerns raised with her in the Borough of Haringey. 18th April – open forum ACTION to be shared.
  • Booster Covid dose – 3rd (Spring) booster. Has this started yet.? No dates or locations have been provided as of yet.
  • It was suggested that to have bi-monthly meetings. Every 8 weeks – setting dates now. May 17th, 2023, July 12th & September 6th, 2023.

Next meetings

May 17th, 2023 @ 3pm via Teams.